Raisin’ the Profile… of Raisins

Raisin’ the Profile… of Raisins

As the UK government pumps up its efforts to tackle obesity and its impact on our health, one simple solution offered is to encourage people to eat more dried fruit.

Raisin’ the profile of dried fruit and its obvious health and wealth benefits is an organization called ‘Raisins South Africa’, a collective of 700 growers.

Marketing campaign

With a UK wide marketing campaign, Raisins South Africa wants to dispel the misconceptions around dried fruit, and promote it as a healthy, sweet alternative.

‘The International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition published an article in 2019 on dried fruit and public health. One of the main points made was that “all traditional, conventional dried fruits such as raises have no added sugar and are formed by the removal of water. South African raisins are 100 per cent naturally sun dried grapes.’

Natural Power House

Raisins are a natural power house packed full of nutrients, fibre, iron, calcium and antioxidants.

South African raisins are grown in the northern and western cape area – where the extra hours of sunshine make all the difference.

Raisin the profile of raisins in-store makes all the difference, when it comes to promoting a healthier lifestyle to customers, says Raisins South Africa.