
Paul Hollywood

As a young man, Paul Hollywood initially refused to follow in his father’s footsteps and assume the baking mantel. Persuaded to change his mind, however,

Neal Kelly, Henderson Group

These days, modern convenience retailers take the challenge posed by the grocery multiples in their stride. They’ve long ago identified those elements of their offering

Christine Tacon, GCA

We’ve all heard the stories about suppliers being stuck in contracts with the big supermarkets, being delisted overnight or taking a hit on in-store promotions

Brian Donaldson, Maxol

Brian Donaldson is upbeat as Irish oil firm, Maxol, presses ahead with its multi-million, five-year plan to expand and streamline its operations across the island

Nigel Briggs, MRPNI

Nigel Briggs, managing director, Musgrave Retail Partners NI, looks back over 2013 and what’s in store for the coming year… Over the past year, Musgrave